Well, for the first night of the sleep cycle correction experiment, I got into bed at 12:30 AM and joined the waking world at 12:30 PM. I did wake up before my alarm, (6:50 AM, alarm is at 7 AM) but I fell back asleep again and don't remember hearing the alarm so I don't think that counts.
The one thing I was able to do successfully is not use a computer for an hour before bed. So, I guess that makes me 1 for 3.
Tonight I know I won't be able to make the 11 PM bedtime deadline due to a code deployment that has to go through starting at the same time. For the same reason, I won't meet the "no computer before bed" goal either. Here's hoping I can at least make the wake up before alarm goal.
(Reminder: The goal of the experiment is to discover a bedtime that allows me to fall asleep easily and wake up before my alarm goes off at 7AM. Such a time is considered discovered if I can maintain it for a week.)
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